Excerpts from a Journal
from Court Evidence, the Marx Farm Daily Record for 1972-1973 in Lund, British Columbia
January 28 1973
Cold and rainy. Janet discovered Rebecca dead in the barn, hanging by her neck in an eight inch hole in the partition between her stall and the grain Michael Friedman was storing there. In order to get her out, Steven had to hacksaw her horns. We decided not to butcher her and buried her under boughs and ferns on the adjoining Crown land. Went to Friedmans place to get eggs and met Ken Law who brought our grocery order from the coop in Vancouver. Went to Pihls to get Vance, Letitia Tracy and Kelly Faire to help us do up eleven chickens including Ajax the rooster. Vance chopped the heads off and gutted them, Kelly carried the carcasses to Steven, Janet, Ticia and Tracy who plucked. It took two and a half hours. Afterwards we had popcorn and hot chocolate in front of the fire.
January 29 1973
Warm snow slush. J and S worked in barn, J transferring wet grain to dry place, S fixing the plumbing leak in the sink upstairs, cleaning up mess John left, including bleach bottle half full of pee. Barn is now ready for new occupancy. Made huge pot of chicken soup with Ajax. Froze ten chickens, one to Vance. Ken, Debby and Maz came for dinner. Ken stayed over.
Friday February 2
Steven has interview at Manpower and is told he should leave the area to find work elsewhereSeth and Muriel write offering $1500 loan. Eight acre parcel of our land is listed at Marriette Agencies..
Thursday February 8
Kenneth informed us of his decision to move into the cabin, as a result of a Tarot reading the night before. He brings string and teaches Steven how to Macrame. Steven stops freaking out for a while¦Potato pancakes and parsnips for dinner. Mrs. Williams called and asks both Jan and Steven to substitute at school the next day. Melvin Marguilis and gang arrive in time for a party. Lou T. called saying they definitely want to buy the eight acre parcel¦Ken agrees to take care of Jonah while Steven and Jan go to school. Nick Valerie, Kenneth, Melvin, stay over¦
Sunday February 11
Clear morning, cloudy afternoon. S. picked brush, K. went along. J modeled for Fred. Jonah went to Nancy Crowther’s with Doreen. J and S went upstairs. K. cut the end of his finger off. J and S take him to hospital. Bleeding stops when Dr. Warriner looks at the cut. S and J and K buy ice cream at Knight’s Weekly News.
Monday February 12
Steven goes to dentist and gets spark plug wires replaced on truck. Goes looking for work at construction site and with Durling the surveyor. Janet gets notice of reinstatement on UIC and a check for $58. Jeff Chernove says Kirpal Singh is the answer. David Creek says Primal therapy is the answer. J, K, and S work on plans for Valentines party and discuss jealousy.
Wednesday February 14
J and S go to town early for appointment with Dr. Ryan, the psychiatrist, then to lawyer to sign contract and close sale of land with Lou and Kent. Kenneth stays with Jonah and cooks all day for Valentines party: chicken in milk, dahl, yogurt salad. Steven makes Valentines cheesecake. People arrive and make Valentines and paint cookies: Tony and Maureen, Ron and Anne, Ian and Maggie, David, Susan and Jessica, Laurie and David Creek. S and J and K and Jonah exchanged valentines. S and K played recorders.
Friday February 16
… Jonah gets baby aspirin bottle and eats 10. J and S take him to hospital where he’s made to barf, but no aspirins are found¦Late dinner. Jonah calls Kenneth “Kennie,” the first adult outside of “Nanet” and “Daddy” that he’s named.
Saturday February 24
David Creek looked after Jonah and Obie while S and J and K discussed plans for the OFY [Opportunities for Youth] Grant application to put Touchstone idea into action”a day camp on the farm¦J cuts Kenneth’s hair to jawbone length. He shortens beard. S. goes to sleep in the yard, but is rained out at 3:00 A.M.
Sunday February 25
Chickens are happy in their new coop and laid 16 eggs. J and K and S divide up questions on OFY application. S went to cabin, Janet stayed in house. K. took care of Jonah. Everybody’s writing¦J and S experience K’s cabin for the first time. Jonah goes to sleep; JSK discuss and write more. Jonah wakes up, Steven takes him to chickens and does chores and makes chicken soup while J and K work on question 4. Janet bathes Jonah and puts him to bed. More writing and discussion of finding junior staff. Jan calls art teacher, Mrs, Adams, who she substituted for, for recommendation of best art student. Answer is Elaine Sorenson, who lives in Lund¦
Monday February 26
Steven’s first day of work with Durling Surveyors, on crew with David Butterfield and Lorie Padgett¦On the way home picks up total payment for salal picking: $15.”Jan and K bake bread, brownies, crunchy granola and apple strudel. Rick and Sue visit, she’s due in six weeks. K. shaves his beard¦ After dinner borrow typewriter from the Parkers and work most of the night on the OFY application.
Saturday March 2
¦(K’s handwriting) The Creeks dropped Obie over. Joanne and her sister came. S. worked on fence, planted four posts, put rails and shakes on 2 sections¦.Fred predicted Norma will give birth Mar 9, 1976 6lb. 7 oz. girl. Coq au Vin and baked potatoes cooked in sour apple plum wine. S. did finances. J cleaned the toilet. Sat in front of the fire. Peter Behr called from Berkeley. Slept by the fire.
Sunday March 4
Rainy morning. 17 eggs. S. worked on fence¦K rebuilt a gate on way to chicken coop. J took out nails and peeled bark¦ Jonah lost one shoe in back of the barn and walked barefoot in the muck. Disney Duck laid three eggs in the stream. K found them¦
Monday March 5
Steven used transit for the first time on the job¦K and J shoveled out the barn while Lorie watched Obie and Jonah. After work, S. and K cut rails and poles for fence
behind the barn.
Sunday March 10
Steven got up early to work on fence. The weather cleared. Jonah and Obie went swimming in the creek with their clothes on. Kenneth builds a gate out of old shakes and cuts a heart in the middle. Jan nails up staves. Joann here all afternoon putting up insulation in the barn. Peter, Ronnie, Tanya Tai and Lynn Press come for cheesecake at 9:30. J and K had a ticklefight.
Sunday March 11
Spring in the air. S. repairs wind chimes and K puts up Jonah’s swing. Everybody works on fence and cleanup in AM. Then we sit on the rock and drink tea. Violets and crocuses are blooming¦first day no fire in the barrel stove.
Tuesday March 20
S. goes to work at 7:45¦home at 5:45. J baked cake, bread, granola and cooked casserole. K put two more windows on cabin. J and K and Jonah went to Lund. J. takes off wedding ring and doesn’t put it back on.
Saturday March 24
K. painted door of cabin. Joann and Scott work on loft, come for dinner. S. takes off wedding ring.
Monday March 26
K and J clean house. OFY person arrives to check out farm and discuss grant¦
Monday April 2
Sixth wedding anniversary of S and J. Cloudy day. Marigolds up. Jonah plays outside. Janet moves clothes into her room. Banty rooster in with chickens. S. writes anniversary song. Jan makes chocolate-peanut frosting and heart of candied violets for S. and anniversary. Decorates with rings. S and J put them on.
Saturday April 21
Cloudy. S and David Lyons took Jonah for a walk at Okeover. Diana and K washed dishes and talked wool and weaving. Call from Emmonds beach that sheep Gwendolyn and lamb Reinhart are standing on bluff. J, S, K, Diana, David and Jonah get in red truck and chase sheep for two hours, up to Torgeson’s place. Art helps. Lamb is caught. Sheep splits. Art chases her back. Lamb in truck, held by K, cries to sheep. Sheep darts around into the arms of David. Sheep is tied and loaded into truck. Jan gives Diana some fleece.
Sunday April 22, Easter
Kenneth finds four dead banty chicks near barn and one in his dog Baja’s mouth. Lorie Padgett and family arrive with Easter candy and colored eggs. K. gives Jonah present of mobile. Children go picking fiddleheads for lunch, hear cheeping from near barn, find and bring a live chick into the house where Janet makes nest and feeds it with eye-dropper. Steve and Patty Hansen and others arrive with musical instruments. Sun comes out. Ten people trip. Kids hunt Easter eggs. S. cooks dinner. Frisbee in the field at sunset.
Sunday May 6
Kenneth builds meditation platform in cabin. Has vision of Kirpal Singh. Changes diet. Observes day of silence¦
Tuesday May 15
S and K drive to town early”S to work, K to Vancouver. J. did goats. At 11:00 Brian called from Vancouver say the grant is coming through–$5000 for the summer.
Kenneth in top image, seated at right
Kenneth seated to left of band
Kenneth in the middle
First performance of the Lund Theatre Troupe:
“Free to Be You and Me”
directed by KennethLund Theatre Troupe morning after opening of
“Three One-Acts” 1976review of “Three One Acts” June 1976 Powell River Progressreview of “Three One Acts” June 1976 Powell River NewsPreview of “Three One Acts” in Powell River News